SMS/Text Message Marketing Tips From the Pros

In a recent survey of 300 digital marketing professionals, we explored how SMS/text message marketing is being leveraged as both a standalone marketing tool and in conjunction with email marketing campaigns. The results of this survey revealed SMS/text messaging to be a powerful addition to any marketing team’s repertoire. After digging through the data, we…

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    In a recent survey of 300 digital marketing professionals, we explored how SMS/text message marketing is being leveraged as both a standalone marketing tool and in conjunction with email marketing campaigns. The results of this survey revealed SMS/text messaging to be a powerful addition to any marketing team’s repertoire.

    After digging through the data, we wanted to add context to these findings through the experience of marketing professionals across industries.

    We asked experts from the UpCity community about the most efficient text marketing cadence, the effectiveness of email marketing versus text messaging, the best resources to support text marketing efforts, and more.

    Summary of key findings from our SMS/text messaging survey

    We decided to seek additional insight into several areas of our original survey, as the collected data revealed several key concerns for digital marketers.

    While respondents reported a much higher open rate for text marketing messages, the reported ROI was lower compared to email marketing campaigns. However, we also found that SMS/text messaging efforts actually enhanced and increased the impact of email marketing when the campaigns were designed to run in conjunction with each other.

    With higher open rates, but inconsistent ROI results, our survey revealed that campaign cadence played a large role in how effective text messaging campaigns were for our respondents. With 67% of respondents to the original survey reporting either daily (23%) cadences or weekly (44%) cadences, we wanted to know if this was, in fact, the recommended strategy of experts.

    As a relatively new marketing strategy, our survey revealed the challenges marketing experts experience in their efforts to reach consumers through text message marketing campaigns. Alongside difficulties in achieving an acceptable ROI and finding service providers to support in-house marketing efforts, the primary challenge faced by respondents (41%) was finding the right tools or software to manage campaigns.

    Because of poor ROI and inconsistent results, only 31% of respondents executing SMS/text messaging campaigns with in-house resources in the first survey seemed to have high confidence in their ability to properly do so. We’ve gathered insight from marketing professionals across industries, hoping to provide success tips and guidance to allow our readers to execute more effective SMS/text messaging marketing campaigns this year.

    Closing the effectiveness gap between email and text marketing

    In a recent email marketing survey conducted by UpCity, we found that only 11% of respondents reported email open rates of 25% or more, while our findings in the SMS/text message marketing survey revealed one-third of respondents were experiencing astounding open rates of 41% to 60% in their text messaging campaigns.

    Despite this, our respondents still found email marketing to be more effective overall.

    One of the most important questions we had as a result of this finding, was what professional marketers were doing to bridge this disparity.

    One of the most important takeaways from opening our inquiry to a wider audience is that businesses are hesitant to pivot to SMS/text messaging for marketing purposes because they don’t think that it’s a viable marketing strategy.

    “I think most brands are afraid to take the leap into SMS marketing, which leads them to stick with email. Typically, this is because they assume their customers don’t want to hear from them via text, or they don’t have the time or resources to dedicate to a new marketing channel. I always encourage brands to give it a shot, and at the very least give customers the option to subscribe to SMS marketing to gauge the level of interest.” —Ashley Ismailovski, Director of Email Marketing, SmartSites

    The truth is, however, that text messaging is a powerful tool for guiding and triggering customer behaviors and should be seen as a way to enhance your call-to-action (CTA) content.

    “Email outperforms text messaging because more information can be transmitted by email, and the recipients find this more valuable to interact with for their time. To close the gap, use SMS and text campaigns as a call to action to draw attention to your email content—so it’s best to send a text saying that you just sent the recipient an important email and have them check it out.” —Brian Dawson, CEO, Customer Finder Marketing

    In combining text messaging with email marketing campaigns, each channel provides a wealth of data that can be used to reassess and refine the performance of your campaigns. Through data analytics, you can maximize the performance of both marketing channels.

    “Email marketing is often viewed as more effective than text messaging, despite texts having higher open rates. This likely stems from the richer content and better audience targeting emails offer. To bridge the gap, a balanced approach is key: combine both channels effectively, personalizing texts and timing them right. Use insights from both to refine your strategy continuously. By highlighting each medium’s unique strengths, you can create a more cohesive and impactful marketing approach.” —Domenique Comparetto, Head of Content Strategy, Altered State Productions

    What is the best cadence for opt-in SMS/text campaigns?

    One of the major concerns in implementing SMS/text messaging as a marketing strategy is the difficulty in identifying a proper cadence for your campaign. The number of times you’re sending messages to leads and customers can greatly impact their response to your marketing messaging. Send messages too often and you risk annoying potential customers and having them block you. Send too infrequently and your competitors might beat you to the punch.

    Our survey found that 44% of SMB marketers send their SMS/text marketing messages on a weekly basis.

    At a foundational level, it’s most important to understand your target audience and their expectations around text messaging. Crafting SMS marketing campaigns off of your assumptions rather than your customer’s expectations can lead to disastrous results.

    “Before establishing a cadence for your campaign, you need to understand why you are sending an SMS/text to your audience. As text messaging is a much more personal channel of communication, it is important not to bombard your audience with messages you can normally get away with via email. We’ve found that for those starting out, 1-3 messages per month is a sweet spot.” —Dalton James, Email Marketing Specialist, SmartSites

    While weekly cadences are common, it’s not necessarily ideal for every business. Consider your unique business position, especially for timely promotional texts introducing new products and communicating services and special discounts and offers.

    “As a marketing agency, it’s difficult to provide guidance without knowing the nature of the business and what is being sold to the customer. Weekly may be suitable for some businesses if their services require weekly maintenance or they are in a competitive space. Generally, I would say that a weekly cadence is fine without becoming annoying. I would not send SMS messages more than once a week unless your offer is one that is time-sensitive.” —Robb Fahrion, Partner and Co-Founder, Flying V Group

    The repurchase cycle becomes very important relative to the text messaging cadence for SMS campaigns. Choosing a cadence that is logical for your business ensures that you’re boosting your visibility when it makes sense, and that you’re not bombarding your customers with marketing messages when they aren’t in the mindset of needing your services.

    “I don’t think that weekly SMS/text marketing is necessary in most spheres. For example, if you’re running a small business with a focus on beauty products, and the average time between purchases when your products are used properly is 3-4 weeks, it doesn’t make sense to send weekly messaging. Instead, you have to understand the average cycle between purchases and maximize your marketing efforts around that cycle.” —Mykola Lukashuk, CEO, Marketing Link LLC

    The key to success for many of our respondents around SMS/text message marketing is less about cadence and more about ensuring your campaigns are sending timely and relevant messages, such as appointment reminders, at the most appropriate times.

    “It’s less about the frequency and more about targeting prospective customers and current customers with relevant messages. When done correctly, SMS/text marketing can work brilliantly. When done incorrectly, it becomes a nuisance to the consumer.” —Renee Miller, Founder and Chief Creative Director, The Miller Group

    Finding the right support for text marketing campaigns

    As with other marketing tactics and strategies, SMBs often struggle with ensuring they have the right experience and skills on staff to properly execute a given marketing tactic. It’s no different for SMS/text marketing, in that it can be challenging to find the time and resources in-house to properly support these efforts. Because of this, many small businesses have turned to software or web-based solutions to manage these campaigns.

    people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers

    Your technology stack is ever-evolving, and in the modern tech-reliant landscape of managing your SMB, it’s vital to choose tools that are compatible with your existing tech stack and can grow with your business as your marketing tactics evolve.

    “Navigating the plethora of tools for SMS campaigns can be daunting. My advice? Focus on user-friendly platforms that prioritize customer data security and consent-based marketing. Also, consider scalability and integration capabilities with your existing tech stack. Opt for providers offering robust analytics to refine and personalize your campaigns, crucial for engaging today’s discerning audiences. Remember, the right tool should align with your brand’s values and marketing goals.” —Slam Sarymamedov, CEO and Founder, Ubunzo

    Software solutions should be robust and feature-rich, and ensure that your business remains compliant with existing regulatory and compliance requirements as well as provide your business with the necessary tools to achieve profitability.

    “Research SMS compliance in your region and make sure that the SMS tool checks all compliance requirements. Choose platforms offering advanced features such as automation, personalization, and segmentation. Prioritize SMS tools with reliable tracking and analytics. Consider access to customer support. Finally, evaluate cost-effectiveness in relation to your budget and expected ROI to make an informed choice for your business.” —Pamela Medina-Juan, Email Marketing Specialist, SmartSites

    Research the tools on the market, match your business needs to the available tools, and choose a platform that matches both your current budget and future planned expansion of your marketing strategy.

    “For SMB marketers grappling with SMS campaign tool selection, start by defining your campaign goals and specific requirements. Conduct thorough research, comparing providers based on features, pricing, and user reviews. Prioritize user-friendly platforms to streamline operations, ensure compliance with SMS regulations to avoid legal issues, and choose a scalable solution to accommodate future growth.” —Gursimran Singh, CEO, Elite Digital Solutions

    Tips for a successful SMS/text message marketing campaign

    Only 31% of SMBs that rely on in-house teams to run their SMS/text message marketing campaigns feel “very confident” in their ability to successfully run those campaigns. In-house marketing teams are already struggling to keep up with the constant SEO changes in search engine algorithms and preparing for compliance changes coming down the pipeline in privacy and access to third-party data.

    Expecting your marketing team to keep pace with these changes and effectively fold in new marketing strategies can be extremely challenging. We wanted to learn more about how marketing professionals are navigating these challenges, either through training or contracting outside consultants.

    In order to ensure your efforts to expand your marketing are efficient and effective, it’s necessary to match your business goals to the tactics you’re using, and then keep the channels of communication open within your organization.

    “Whether it’s improving lead generation or conversion rates, boosting customer engagement rates through the customer experience, or driving sales, having a clear purpose will guide your team in creating targeted and effective campaigns. Encourage your team to use segmentation and personalization techniques. Encourage open communication and regularly discuss campaign performance, making sure to share those insights with your team.” —George Mihaiu, Marketing Specialist, Synergo Group

    Training and development become especially important in the grand scheme of ensuring your campaigns are effective. This could be around compliance to avoid fines and negative customer perception, for example.

    “Invest in training for your team so that they understand the nuances of SMS marketing, from crafting compelling messages to understanding compliance requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation Act (GDPR), the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), and any other compliance requirements that will impact these efforts. Look for online courses, webinars, and workshops offered by experienced marketers or established organizations in the field.” —Waqar, SEO Expert, Napollo

    Implementing SMS/text marketing is an active process that requires testing and measuring results. It also takes a true understanding of customer needs and motivations, as well as how they respond to campaigns.

    “Test different messages and demographics and see what’s giving results. Second, truly try to understand it from your customer’s point of view. People have short attention spans and want to know what you can quickly do for them. Lastly, hire an expert if needed. The time you spend will be much more than an expert giving a quick consultation with actionable advice.” —Munir Alsafi, Co-Founder, VixelStudio

    Marketing professionals agree that leveraging an outside consultant is the most effective way to ensure your organization is getting the most out of its marketing strategy, especially if you’re looking to use a strategy such as text messaging that can be greatly impacted by regulatory requirements.

    “Partner with a company that will offer a lot of support and help you with the authentication of text marketing for your brand to keep you compliant.” —Marianne O’Connor, SEO and Content Marketing Specialist, Austin Williams

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    A consultant can help you maximize the impact of SMS/text message marketing campaigns have on your bottom line

    The reality on the ground for marketing experts when it comes to SMS/text message marketing is that it’s a somewhat controversial channel of marketing. A fairly common concern from professionals across the UpCity community is that consumers consider such direct marketing tactics as SMS/texting to be an intrusion into a private channel of communication.

    It’s commonly accepted, regulations or not, that no marketing should take place in certain channels unless customers have explicitly opted in for the campaigns. It’s also crucial that SMS/text messaging campaigns include explicit opt-out options so that customers are in control of the engagement and therefore trust you more as a vendor.

    Even after opting in, care must be taken to not abuse the permission to market in this space, as you can easily damage customer relationships and lead many to unsubscribe from your campaigns. This is why so many marketing professionals suggest partnering with consultants to best understand and execute text marketing campaigns.

    Find a professional digital marketing agency to support your efforts and ensure you’re taking a balanced and profitable approach to SMS/text messaging.