Is the Press Release Dead? Not if You Know How to Use it!

There’s no denying that the evolution of digital media has changed the way businesses disseminate news and information about new services and products. As users become more reliant on social media and digital content platforms, businesses have started to prioritize those platforms as news outlets. One question that has come out of this digital evolution:…

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    There’s no denying that the evolution of digital media has changed the way businesses disseminate news and information about new services and products. As users become more reliant on social media and digital content platforms, businesses have started to prioritize those platforms as news outlets.

    One question that has come out of this digital evolution: where does the traditional press release fit in?

    UpCity posed that question to our community of B2B service providers, and we discovered that–while the form and presentation may have changed–press releases are still a viable tool for distributing information out to a targeted audience.

    In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how press releases work in the modern digital landscape and how small businesses can use them most effectively.

    But first, let’s take a quick look at the foundation of the press release.

    What are press releases?

    Press releases are official statements made on behalf of an individual, business, or organization distributed to news media representatives, and are intended to take a stance on a specific topic, announce a new product or service, or communicate specific information to the general public.

    A brief history of the press release

    Historically, press releases date back as far as 1906, when the Pennsylvania Railroad released a prepared statement in response to a train accident that took the lives of more than 50 people in New Jersey. When the train company was accused of manipulating the media narrative, the company’s publicist, Ivy Lee, released a “Declaration of Principles,” a statement that would become a foundation of journalistic integrity[1].

    From this point forward, it became a popular practice for businesses seeking to leverage media outlets in their marketing efforts to distribute press releases directly to news media or through press release distribution services. In the late 1990s, press releases burst onto the digital marketing landscape as public relations experts increasingly featured video, images, and audio elements in their releases.

    With the rise of social media platforms in the early 2000s, press releases have continued to evolve. Brands may now first make announcements on their website or social media page, and then pitch the information to media outlets accompanied by a more traditional press release document.

    Should small businesses still use press releases?

    As social media dominates the fields of communication and marketing, marketers are left with the question of whether they should continue to use press releases at all. When we posed this question to the UpCity community of experts, the sentiment was that press releases remain relevant, but require businesses to adapt to modern technology and customer behaviors across online platforms. 

    The argument for press releases

    As content marketing becomes more crucial to your brand’s SEO and marketing strategies, press releases provide SEO-friendly solutions to companies struggling to keep up with the demand for relevant and informative content. 

    Press releases are powerful SEO influencers

    Effective press releases can help branded content to successfully attract the attention of Google’s latest search algorithms and rank highly on search engine results pages (SERPs).

    “They are definitely viable and essential to promoting your business as well as impacting SEO. While most people focus on the technical side of SEO, the other aspect that Google considers is how authoritative you are on a topic. Getting noticed (or quoted) by the media is a good start to building an authoritative voice.” —Anita Schott, Marketing Consultant, G3 Group Agency

    Press releases build credibility and help mitigate bad press coverage elsewhere

    In addition to SEO ranking, press releases have become critical educational tools. Modern press releases can help inform consumers about your services and products as they relate to the needs of your target audience, which in turn helps to build brand authority.

    white printer paper that says "Update" on a green typewriter

    They can also help increase brand visibility, filling search engine results with positive information about your company and pushing any negative press further down SERP rankings.

    “Press releases continue to confer credibility and authority, particularly through reputable sources… However, they face challenges in standing out amidst digital content overload and might not offer the immediacy and engagement of social media. To maximize impact, modern adaptations include SEO optimization, multimedia integration, targeted distribution, social sharing, and compelling storytelling within the press release strategy. When strategically integrated with other communication channels, press releases can effectively contribute to a comprehensive marketing and PR approach.” —Jay Mehta, President & CEO, Mindshare Consulting Inc.

    Our respondents were generally supportive of press releases as a useful marketing tool, as long as they are structured to stand out from the sheer digital noise and content that users are inundated with every day.

    “Sure, lots of press releases are glorified spam. But the fundamentals are sound: You’ve got a major news hook the media will care about. You communicate it concisely with an attention-grabbing headline. You structure it like an inverted pyramid, leading with the most important info. You include handy quotes from company execs that reporters can easily cite. What’s not to love? Leveraging media relationships and writing impactful, brand-building placements will move the needle.” —Nick Bedard, Founder – President, Rooter Marketing

    The argument against press releases

    Very few respondents made genuine arguments against the use of press releases, but several did have warnings as to how brands should go about using them effectively.

    “Traditional media is possibly more in decline, but the DIY route offers a cheap way for a company to have even a small impact and push on their marketing. The real gold has to be in the bespoke agency press releases, where high-value content is carefully crafted and shared with a select few journalists. If a well-read local, national, or international media outlet picks up on this, it can bring traffic, sales, and online reputation to any company.” —Ciaran Connolly, Founder, ProfileTree Web Design and Digital Marketing

    What are the most important parts of a press release?

    The traditional format for press releases plays very well in the current SEO-focused marketing landscape for public relations materials, making the press release itself important in the overall marketing strategy. Effective press releases include a date and location, often where the individual is headquartered or the market where the release is being distributed.

    This should be followed by a strong headline, a short summary of the information being shared, and the main press release content. The press release should end with a short company description and standard boilerplate, followed by a call to action or next steps the reader should take to follow up on the press release.

    With some attention to digital elements, press releases can be extremely effective marketing tools for supporting specific initiatives, such as backlink building.

    “For our clients, the most valuable element of a press release isn’t necessarily its ability to raise awareness, but its capability to generate high-quality backlinks from other websites. These links continue to represent a fundamentally important ranking factor that Google uses to assign relevance and determine search rankings.” —Dan Brian, Co-founder, DentalScapes

    The structure of the press release itself comes heavily into play in optimizing for search engines. It’s important to pay attention to the top-level content, such as the header, as that’s where search engines and audiences both will focus their attention first.

    “The headline of the press release is a valuable element, simply because it is the first thing that the audience views. The headline should be compelling and make the viewer want to keep reading. The first paragraph of a press release is important as it should represent a brief summary of the story that the client is sharing. Within this summary is another important element, which is the date and time of the event that happened. Another element that is needed in a press release is a boilerplate for a quick overview about the client and the services that they provide.” —Julia Winant, PR Specialist, Austin Williams 

    Our respondents were adamant about the importance of balancing engaging and eye-catching headers with concise but targeted and informative content in the summary and body of the release.

    “First, you must have an engaging headline that attracts the attention of the reader/reporter. Reporters have inboxes that are overly cluttered. Second, the body of the release should contain valuable information in line with what the reporter or editor tends to cover. Third, the release should be concise. It should convey some details but not everything. It should generate enough interest so the reporter will call to learn more. Obviously, it should have detailed contact information so a reporter can contact you not only by email but also on your cell or landline.” —Steve Turner, Principal, Solomon Turner PR

    Perhaps the most important component to include in modern press releases is data. Data boosts the credibility of the information being shared and provides journalists and media representatives with powerful and shareable content.

    “The most valuable element of a press release is content that objectively answers who, what, where, when, and why should I care. We recommend incorporating data to reinforce messages and assertions made that help make your case. Reporters and editors love data, so industry research increases the credibility and power of your press release. Executive quotes should come after the news elements, and offer context and strategic insight. Generic platitudes, promotional language, and fluff should be avoided at all costs.” —Mostafa Razzak, CEO, JMRConnect PR

    Tips for writing and distributing an effective press release

    The modern press release is a much different tool than it was 100 or even 20 years ago. While we’ve covered the various components that marketing professionals should focus on above, we wanted to go a step further and ask our community of experts to share their own best practices when it comes to press releases.

    A cartoon illustration of a paperboy

    Press release mistakes to avoid

    It’s important to remember the purpose that press releases serve in modern marketing campaigns. While they may have once been powerful lighting rods for attracting media attention, they have shifted further down the inbound marketing funnel to be effective tools for communicating with established audiences.

    “Press releases are still a viable tool in our industry, but the purpose has changed drastically in the last few years. In the past, releases were used to catch press attention. Now, they are formal documents you present to the press once you have established interest. Clients are best served when you distribute a press release with a bespoke approach. You personally reach out to a list of contacts that you know would be interested in picking up the story. Blasting releases is a thing of the past.” —Priscila Martinez, CEO & Founder, The Brand Agency

    Because we’re no longer using press releases as a way to remain visible and relevant, but rather to inform and educate, it’s crucial that you have real information and relevant news to convey when distributing a press release.

    “If you’re going to distribute a press release, you need real news! This can be in the form of a case study with original statistics, a groundbreaking discovery in your industry, or a really cool infographic that is useful to your target audience, which should be comprised of reporters and potential clients.” —Christian Carere, CEO & President, Digital Ducats Inc.

    Real news can be more than a product release or new service announcement. The key is that you should convey relevant data or information about your brand so that journalists see the value in sharing that information with a larger audience. Giving them unique and interesting stories will help your message go wider.

    “Use press releases to outline what you or your business is doing that is unique relative to the target audience, not necessarily relative to your industry. There are a lot of things that everyone within an industry does, but being so close to the matter it might not seem to you like what you are doing is unique. Outside of the industry, however, some of these strategies, practices, and approaches will be novel and interesting.” —Germaine Muller, Director, Futuretheory

    To further drill into what your press releases should focus on, remember that you are not your audience. The information that you are conveying in a press release needs to resonate with your target audience and bring them the solutions they seek.

    “Focus on what people want to read or learn, not what you want to say. Know when to use an expensive vs. less expensive wire service. There are many to pick from with different options and not all are the same. Hire a PR firm or publicist if you can to help craft the messaging and release, then reach out to their relationships in the media to get the right story out there.” —Ben Bloch, CEO, Venture Public Relations

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    Up your press release game using the UpCity Marketplace

    If you’re still doing press releases the old-fashioned way, it’s time to shift your approach and improve the impact of your public relations outreach efforts. Connect with a public relations expert today to identify where your opportunities lie and how best to pitch your brand to journalists and media companies and set up your brand for success in 2024.

    Press release FAQs

    Are press releases dying?

    The short answer is that marketing experts have continued to evolve and improve best practices around press releases, so that–much like email marketing–press releases have remained relevant to modern digital strategies.

    What are some alternatives to press releases?

    Robust digital marketing strategies offer a number of alternatives to traditional press releases. Brands can create videos or podcasts to present relevant information in an entertaining way. Marketers can also create visual media, such as infographics, to distribute across different marketing channels, or in support of blog posts.

    Ideally, press releases should be integrated into marketing campaigns and communications initiatives so that they achieve a wider distribution than they otherwise would through the likes of Newswire, EIN Presswire, and other press release distribution channels alone. 

    Are press releases credible?

    Because the information can be attributed directly to the distributing organization, press releases are considered primary sources.

    How often should a company send out a press release?

    Because journalists and media professionals are buried in a mountain of inbound information, it’s important for business owners and marketing teams to distribute press releases only when they have real news to share about their brands or services.

    What constitutes “real news” actually depends on the target media outlets and the types of content they publish. Real news for one outlet might be performance metrics for the previous quarter, while another outlet might prioritize new product announcements.

    What makes a successful press release?

    You will catch the attention of journalists and have your news release picked up for wider distribution if you’ve presented information factually in a short and concise manner, and the release matches the target media outlet’s tone and style.