What To Know Before Developing An App

If you’re considering developing a mobile app for your business, be sure to focus on these four key areas to ensure your app’s success!

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    In addition to guest posting on the UpCity blog, Superior Digital is featured as one of our Top Mobile App Developers in the United States. Check out their profile here.

    Creating an app can be a long and arduous process. However, the rewards are well worth it. In 2017, mobile apps generated over $70 billion in revenue for companies around the world. The secret to success is creating something that people want and will pay for. This blog post will help you understand how to create an app that sells!

    If you’re a business owner or looking to start your own business (or an innovator!), it is important that you realize the power of mobile applications. There are many benefits to having an app, including increased sales of core products and services as well as brand awareness.

    However, building an app can be costly and time-consuming. This is why you have to design and develop your app right the first time. It’s not something you want to invest in without having a solid foundation and a powerful development to execute your vision.

    The app market is growing, and it’s estimated that the global revenue will be $88 billion by 2022. If you’re an innovator who is considering creating an app to supplement your existing services or products, then now is the time to act! The process of developing an app can seem daunting at first. However, with some planning and research, you can create one that sells on its own merit and creates raving fan users.

    4 Keys to Building an App That Sells

    Identify Your Core User

    The first step in building your perfect app is figuring out who you’re making it for. Asking better questions leads to better answers.

    A few examples are:

    1. What are their interests?
    2. Who do they share the app with?
    3. What is their day-to-day life like?
    4. What problems do they have with similar apps?

    These questions and more will lead you to build a great foundation that’s both built for them and easy to navigate. What features should be added? How can this app reach other demographics- like adults, teens, or seniors? It’s always important to know what kind of user experience you want from your app before diving into drafting any sort of blueprint.

    Solve a Singular Problem

    Design your app to solve a singular problem, and you will have the most loyal customers. Why? We want to see tangible improvements, we want to feel secure in our decision-making.

    When designing an app, it’s easy to get carried away with the bells and whistles that “could” be added. But if you’re only solving one problem for people, they’ll stick around even after the novelty wears off because there is no longer any doubt of what your product does.

    Design your app to solve one problem well and get started as soon as possible. It’s important not to waste time playing around with concepts that may be interesting but don’t offer any practical benefits: rather than casting about blindly in hopes of hitting upon something worthwhile, aim for something specific and spend your time developing it fully before moving on to anything else.

    Go deep, then go wide.

    Be Remarkably Better at that Solution

    Designing an app is like a puzzle. The goal is to create the best possible experience for your users and improve on their current methods of getting things done. Apps should be designed with two core goals in mind: solving a problem that people want to be solved more than anything else and making it notably better than any other alternatives out there.

    When you design an app, think about what’s the most important thing that needs fixing right now? And how can you make this the easiest way anyone could ever get something done?

    Go on the app stores (iOS and Android) and look at the apps in your categories. Dig into the reviews for each app. Why are people raving fans… and conversely, what makes people angry or deeply dissatisfied? You can map out a path to greatness in your app development by understanding what makes people tick.

    Focus on a Great UI/UX Behind Every Screen

    With a great user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), every screen of your app is enhanced. We all know that first impressions matter, so make sure you have an intuitive UI and UX for your customers to navigate through.

    Your app should be easy enough to use without too many pop-ups or requests for permissions, but also include lots of extra features like the ability to delete pictures in bulk or change profile settings with just one tap.

    The way that we purchase and consume digital products has changed dramatically over the last decade. In fact, a recent study conducted by Deloitte found that millennials are spending more than 50% of their time on digital platforms. This means that if you aren’t optimizing your marketing efforts for this generation, then you could be missing out on a significant amount of revenue.

    You can have an app that is wildly successful if you follow a clear path to solving a specific problem and have a great development team behind you. It’s important to be passionate about your idea, but also flexible with it so that the final product is what people want and need in their lives.

    A great example of this happened when Spotify was struggling financially because they were too focused on creating the best music experience for themselves as opposed to what would be most beneficial to everyone else who uses Spotify. However, by listening carefully and incorporating user feedback, they were able to turn their company around in no time!

    If you are an innovator and want to turn your app idea into a reality, reach out to Superior Digital and we’ll sit down with you and help you flesh out your idea and map out a path to success.