Best Practices for Google Advertising

Be sure to keep all these best practices in mind so you can get the most out of your Google Ads campaigns.

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    Google Ads is a powerful tool for marketers. You can display your ad through their search engine when someone searches for what you sell, or specific information related to your product or service. This type of advertising lets you get your product or service exposure by explicitly targeting a buyer’s intent.

    Google advertising has changed over the years, and there are many best practices that marketers should follow. These best practices will help you get the most out of your ad spend and help reduce the chances of your Google ads account getting shut down.

    Just as it’s essential to know the best practices, it is also important to know what not to do. As you continue our marketing efforts in 2022, we will help you navigate Google Advertising to help you get the most return on investment from your budget and give you some great tips to avoid common Google Ads pitfalls.

    Why is Google Advertising Still No. 1?

    Every year it seems that there is another social media platform taking the world by storm, but Google’s stronghold on digital advertising has continued for years.

    Google Ads has continued to grow in popularity with marketers everywhere because of its potential audience, ability to target specific buyers, and remarketing options. It is also the best paying platform for digital ads, making it a desirable option.

    One of the main reasons Google Advertising is so powerful is that it allows you to target a buyer’s direct intent. This is accomplished through keyword research.

    For example, a marketer can target a specific phrase like “best pair of running shoes.” Only the people searching for that phrase will see their ad.

    Google Ads also allows marketers to use display ads that reach those who aren’t necessarily looking for specific types of products or services but may be interested in what you have to offer.

    Google Ads also allows you to see exactly how much the market sees your ad. It does this through something called an impression tracker. This allows marketers to see how often their ad is being seen and adjust details accordingly if it’s not getting the results they want.

    Another great benefit to Google Ads is targeting specific demographics, making it easy to reach your exact buyer. You can also see exactly how your ad is doing by using conversion tracking, so you know how many people are clicking on your ads and buying from you.

    Google Advertising will continue to be a top choice for digital marketers because it works well and is an excellent opportunity to make a high return on investment.

    Best Practices for Google Advertising

    Now that you know the benefits of Google advertising let’s go over some of the best practices marketers should follow when creating Google ads campaigns.

    Use Natural Language

    Targeting your exact buyer is one of the best things you can do with Google Ads. You can target specific phrases or keywords. This allows you to make sure you reach the right people at the right time. Natural language keywords are the search terms that your potential customers use to search for what you have.

    A benefit of natural language keywords is that they allow Google to put your ad groups in front of the right people at precisely the time they are looking for your product or service. Using a phrase like “best running shoes” will ensure that only people searching for that phrase see your ad.

    Finding these will take some keyword research efforts, but these visitors are considered your “target audience” and are usually more qualified and closer to making a purchase. Often, they will also be more willing to spend money on what you are offering.

    Leverage Automatic Bidding

    One of the main reasons Google Ads are so effective is because they work for you. This means that you no longer must manually adjust your bids or ads based on your budget.

    Google Ads allows you to use something called automatic bidding, which will place bids for you to help maximize your exposure at all times of the day. Using automatic bidding strategies will save you time and ensure your ads are getting the maximum amount of exposure possible for your budget.

    Use Responsive Search Ads

    Responsive search ads are a great way to make sure the right people see your ad at the right time. These ads help Google find the right combination of ad copy and headlines to display to your potential customers.

    Responsive search ads allow Google to make educated decisions that help improve your conversions over time.

    Use Negative Keywords

    Negative keywords are a great way to ensure you aren’t wasting money on audiences who will never buy from you. You can tell Google Ads to ignore audiences looking for specific keywords.

    For example, you may want to avoid anyone who searches for “free” because they likely aren’t looking to spend money on anything.

    Use Google Ad Extensions

    Google ad extensions are a great way to add more information to your ads that will help you rank higher in Google’s search results. You can add things like location, phone numbers, and links to your website directly from the Google Ads platform.

    Every time someone searches for something relevant to what you’re advertising, Google places your ad in front of them to see the information you offer.

    Quality Score Matters

    Google Ads has a secret algorithm called Quality Score to determine how much you pay for every click on your ad. The higher the quality score, the less you will typically have to pay per click.

    There are certain actions you need to take as a marketer to make sure you have a high-Quality Score. You need to create high-quality ads relevant to what your potential customers are looking for.

    You also need to optimize the landing pages you send them to, so they have a positive user experience and ultimately buy your products or services.

    Track Everything

    There is no real way to know how well your ads are doing without tracking everything. You should track every penny you spend on Google Ads, so you can figure out which ads are receiving the most clicks and conversions.

    Tracking will also help identify areas where your campaigns are failing, allowing you to make changes that improve your results.

    These are seven of the best practices for Google Advertising. Be sure to monitor your (CTR) click-through rates, (CPC) cost per click, PPC campaigns, ad engagement, conversions, quality scores, and overall budget performance to ensure you are doing everything possible to get the maximum results from your campaigns.

    Hear From Industry Experts

    Read the latest tips, research, best practices, and insights from our community of expert B2B service providers.

    What to Avoid When Doing Google Advertising

    Person hopping over manholes and traffic cones

    Many things can get people in trouble or affect results when running Google Ads. Some of the most common mistakes made by beginners are:

    Not Knowing Your Numbers

    Never run a Google Ads campaign without tracking your metrics. It’s impossible to make any changes to improve your results if you don’t even know what if performing or underperforming in the first place!

    Skipping Steps in the Process

    It can take some time to get to know the Google Ads platform and how it works. There are lots of different options that can be overwhelming at first. Be sure to learn as much about this platform as you possibly can before launching a campaign.

    Not Testing Enough

    You should always test everything for your ads, headlines, offers, and landing pages. Don’t give up on your ads unless you know they aren’t working based on your testing.

    Wrong Destination URLs

    Be sure to test out different URLs so you can find the one that delivers your ads to the right place. Use Google Analytics or other tracking software to figure out which ad converts visitors into new customers on your website.

    Trying to Trick Google or Mislead Buyers

    It’s crucial to never trick someone into clicking on your ads. People who click on your ad are looking for a product or service, and they’re not likely to convert if you are misleading them to information they weren’t expecting.

    Doing this can also get your ad account banned, so it’s important to always be forthright in your advertising.

    Final Thoughts

    It can be life-changing to figure out how to get Google Advertising to work for your business. You can connect with millions of people who are actively searching for the products or services you offer.

    By following these best practices, you can make sure your ads are running in a way that’s going to get the results you want the most. Google offers tons of resources for people just getting started, so be sure to check them out before launching your next campaign.

    Remember to consider your customers when choosing the right keywords, ads, and landing pages. Don’t try to trick them into clicking on your ad or making a purchase–they’ll know if you’re doing that and will not be pleased with the results.

    Be sure to keep all these best practices in mind so you can get the most out of your Google Ads campaigns!