Top 8 Advanced SEO Tactics to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

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    In addition to guest posting on the UpCity blog, TechArk Solutions is featured as one of the Top SEO Companies in the United States. Check out their profile!

    Do you feel like you have tried everything possible to drive more traffic to your business’s website? You are not alone. Like you, most businesses are always looking for new ways to gain more traffic to their website and it can sometimes feel like you’ve done everything you can. We are here to tell you, there are 8 advanced SEO tactics you may not have tried that can help increase your website traffic. Let’s break down these techniques below.

    8 Advanced SEO Tactics to Increase Traffic

    1. Consistent Content Creation

    There’s a reason the saying “content is king” is so well known. Consistently creating new content for your website aids in keeping your website relevant to Google and increases the chance of your site ranking high in search results. It has also been shown that websites that consistently generate new content receive the highest number of leads and conversions, specifically websites that publish blog posts optimized for SEO between two and four times per week. This trend is due to the increased amount of keywords that can be targeted within the blog content making it easier for users to find the answer to their questions.

    How frequently you publish new content to your site should be determined by your content strategy goals. You should not just be publishing content for the sake of publishing content. Your focus should be to create content that is informative and that your audience will find valuable. Content that answers the audience’s questions and poses other relevant questions is what users will remember and can increase the probability of them completing a purchase. 

    2. Organizing Content Based on Topic

    When Google is determining which sites should rank for a search query, they aren’t just looking for sites that have content that match the entered keywords. They want to give their users results that are most relevant, meaning Google favors sites that exhibit expertise, authority, and trust on the topic of the user’s search. One way to demonstrate these three qualities is by organizing your site content based on broader topics with additional pages that are more narrowly focused on the details.

    The detail pages link back to the broader topic pages which adds authority to the overview pages while strengthening the relevance of your website on that topic. This structure leads to improved SEO ranking, increased traffic as well as higher click-through rates. It is key to select well-researched keywords to create the most targeted topic pages. Choosing relevant keywords with lower competition can help drive more traffic to your business’s website more quickly than keywords with high competition. It is also beneficial to continuously perform content audits to ensure the language used is most effectively targeting keywords related to your business.

    Featured snippets are shown for almost all searches that occur on Google and can help you drive more traffic to the pages on your site that already appear high in Google’s search results. Use one of the many keyword tools available to determine your site’s highest ranking keywords. Once the best performing keywords have been determined, you can create relevant content that would help your site become the featured snippet on that topic. Some methods of having your site used as a featured snippet include:

    • Replicate the optimization techniques used by the current snippet
    • If the answer is to the featured snippet is a list, use HTML.
    • For paragraph answers, keep the content between 40-60 words.
    • Utilize title tags for the question or title of the snippet as well as the subtitles that Google may use.

    4. Utilize Google’s FAQ structure to increase CTR

    Google introduced its FAQ schema to help streamline users getting the answer they are looking for. When utilizing this data markup, your best-performing pages will appear as a rich result on the search engine results page (SERP). The rich result displays your questions and answers as an interactive, expandable dropdown. Click-through-rate (CTR) is likely to increase because of the amount of space the FAQ structure takes up on the SERP. Instructions on implementing the FAQ feature can be found on Google’s Developer Resources page.

    5. Recycle top-performing content

    Creating variations of pages that already perform well is a great way to increase website traffic. Use Google Analytics to determine which pages on your website are receiving the most users. It is best to look at a six month time window to accurately gauge which pages users are spending the most time on and engaging with. You can then recreate the same content in a new format, for example, create an infographic or short video using the same topic as a popular blog post. Post this new interactive form of information on social media and other external sites to generate new streams of traffic.

    6. Guest Post on Relevant Websites

    Having external websites link to your site, also known as backlinks, is extremely beneficial for your site’s SEO ranking. And having well-written relevant content increases the likelihood of attaining backlinks for reputable websites. To take a more proactive approach for this tactic, we suggest submitting blog posts to be published on other websites. Including links to internal pages of your site within a guest blog post on a popular site boosts authority and credibility while getting your site in front of additional streams of targeted traffic. When a link to your website is included in the content of a blog it is considered a contextual link. Contextual links enhance the user’s experience and provide readers with a reference that will allow them to get more information if desired. Some tips for guest posting include:

    • Guest post on are healthy, authoritative sites that have a large number of followers for referral traffic. 
    • Choose relevant topics that users will be interested in.
    • Build relationships with other industry experts to increase the likelihood of them linking your site in their content and vice versa.

    7. Invite Guest Authors

    Asking reputable authors to write content brings a fresh perspective to your website. Guest authors increase the rate of content production on your website. With this additional source of content, you can focus on more specific blog topics and which keywords you should be targeting. Another benefit of having guest authors is that they often share their content within their network which can introduce a whole new audience to your business. It is also common practice for experienced authors to reference previously published content. Having a guest author increases the probability of backlinks between the sites they are writing for. Overall, inviting guest writers to contribute to your website is a great method of increasing your traffic.

    8. Target Your Local Business

    Your local audience is a great place to start when it comes to boosting your SEO ranking and improving traffic. Ask your local clients to write your business a review on Google and ensure to keep your Google My Business profile updated. And of course, getting other local businesses to backlink your site can help your community learn more about your business quickly.


    As you can tell, there are many ways that can drive more traffic to your website and they are constantly discovering new methods. Choose tactics that make the most sense for your business and remember that it will take some time to determine which methods are working. If you are not sure where to start, you can always reach out to an experienced digital marketing agency. Their teams will know all the tactics that can be useful and help implement them.