Increased focus on UpCity Engagement and Google Visibility intended to improve UpCity Buyers’ experience
UpCity helps connect buyers with service providers they can trust. We measure that trust through the UpCity Recommendability Rating. This rating is based on our proprietary algorithm that utilizes digital signals to measure the credibility and trustworthiness of each of our partners. The algorithm is derived from a variety of data points that are designed to help businesses find a partner that is the best fit for them, and one they can trust.
As in previous years, we are reviewing our current UpCity Recommendability Rating algorithm. Updates will take effect on December 4, 2020. As one of the UpCity core values is transparency, we want to proactively share with our partners and businesses seeking their services what will be changing.
Why is the algorithm being updated?
In response to the changing dynamics of UpCity (new partners added, current partners increasing reviews, etc.), our algorithm needs to be recalibrated to reflect the current partner landscape. Additionally, we use this time to evaluate how external factors are changing—coupled with feedback from our partners and buyers—to continue to improve the algorithm and better measure recommendability and improve our buyers’ experience.
What is changing in the algorithm?
Four of the eight credibility signals will change with the update on Dec. 4. They are:
- Engagement Score: Engagement score will now offer UpCity Rating points for actions that indicate engagement and responsiveness to buyers. Points will be awarded for:
- Activating your UpCity account
- Optimizing your UpCity profile
- Recruiting at least one review
- Responding to at least one review
- Submitting at least one Expert Post (formerly Guest Post)
- Featuring your UpCity badge on your site
- Third-Party Reviews: Google visibility continues to be one of the most important ways that businesses connect with service providers they can trust. We are streamlining reviews and measuring only GoogleMyBusiness Reviews. This signal will be renamed “Google Reviews.”
- Location Consistency: Similar to Google Reviews, Location Consistency will measure the consistency between a provider’s UpCity listing and their GoogleMyBusiness listing.
- UpCity Reviews: As more and more partners continue to get more reviews, customers at the top of the scale need to be recalibrated. This will not impact customers who have fewer than 100 reviews, but it has moved the bar to “max out” higher.
For more information, we encourage you to explore additional details on the UpCity Recommendability Rating, the algorithm, and our methodology.