20 Best Insurance Blogs You Should Be Reading to Up Your Marketing Game

Insurance marketing is something that many agents struggle to understand. Check out our list of some of the best insurance marketing blogs to learn tips and get inspiration for your company’s marketing initiatives. 

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    Insurance marketing is something that many agents struggle to understand. Check out our list of some of the best insurance marketing blogs to learn tips and get inspiration for your company’s marketing initiatives. 

    1. Insurance Splash is a marketing resource blog that focuses on helping insurance companies and insurance agents improve their marketing with helpful how-to blogs and blog tips on topics such as sales tips, referral marketing, value selling, and cross-selling.

    This is a perfect blog for anyone who wants to better understand their options for marketing or to find resources that will help ensure that their marketing efforts are complete. Expect updates about 4-5 times per month.

    2. leadPops is a weekly updated marketing blog that focuses on the insurance & real estate industries, employing a variety of content types to educate, entertain, and inform marketers on the latest and greatest in the insurance and real estate spaces.

    With fun, colorful infographics and easy-to-digest content, this is a great one to keep on your list for some Monday morning reading in the office. Expect posts once a week.

    3. Smarts Pro Marketing is also known as Smarts Pro Marketing and their blog is richly populated with blogs that are comparisons of current market conditions. Expect topics on the psychology of selling, why selling like a commodity is a mistake and even marketing basics such as how to write the perfect sales oriented newsletter.

    This blog is perfect for the experienced marketing professional who wants to find new niche marketing ideas to increase their target market. Expect blogs 3-5 times per month.

    4. Agency Revolution Blog offers a different perspective from many insurance blogs. Expect blog posts on the intricacies of the relationship between agents and their customers, customer retention, and managing the ongoing stream of value marketing.

    The blog is published 1-2 times per month and sometimes skips a month. No worry there, the information in each blog is deep enough that you might need that month to consider, evaluate, and apply the insight to your own marketing strategy.

    5. Inbound Insurance Marketing Blog is a snappy, full-of-details type of blog that offers outstanding tips on how to produce stellar insurance copy and content. Expect topics such as B2B drivers and buyers decisions, tools that fuel market growth, and how to overcome writer’s block.

    This blog is perfect for anyone who has marketing that is doing “okay” but not performing well. The insider-like tips are a perfect checklist that helps turn an average marketing strategy into a winner. Expect blogs quarterly.

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    6. Insurance Information Institute Insurance Topics Page (blog) covers everything from homeowners insurance and automobile insurance to special insurance coverage and includes videos too. The blog is perfect for people who create insurance content or who publish their own blog on insurance topics.

    The site serves as a great resource for the insurance industry. Expect regular updates in both article or video format.

    7. The Agency Marketing Machine blog is a robust resource chock-full of case studies, infographics, walkthroughs, and a wealth of other educational material for insurance marketers. Whether you’re an expert marketer, or only just beginning to explore the insurance marketing world, Agency Marketing Machine is a great resource to start with. Expect multiple posts per week.

    8. Agent Branding System Blog is nearly every other day. This is a blog that is chalked full of marketing inspirations and key insider-type details about the insurance industry. The blog is perfect for anyone who is running a beginning to an advanced marketing campaign and who wants to find the emerging trends within the industry. This is a great resource for steering an insurance marketing strategy and to help you find new ways to reach new, existing, and past customers.

    9. AMAXX Workers Comp Resource Center Blog is the place to go for any agency who offers workers comp insurance and who wants more detailed information about the industry. Expect blogs at least daily and sometimes multiple posts per day.

    The blog’s topics range from issues within the California worker’s comp market such as dealing with Cal/Osha, and CA’s OAL approvals to national worker’s comp issues such as how to understand or formulate a risk management plan, high-risk companies with multiple infractions, or reviews of national conferences.

    10. The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors blog is published about every two weeks. The blog focuses on NAIFA and their activities, but there is plenty of information here for outside agencies to find inspiration and emerging trends.

    Expect topics such as the Department of Labor’s guide to fiduciary rule and its lack of clarity, financial exploitation rules as they apply to seniors, and health exchanges. This is a perfect blog for anyone who needs help with big topics or who wants to add big topics of national concern to their marketing or lead generation campaign.

    11. The Insurance Agents Blog is an outstanding insurance marketing resource for every insurance company or agent. It offers a range of topics that include tips on making better sales, technology to help with marketing and office efficiency, marketing tips, and a healthy link to industry news. Expect new topics frequently across a range of insurance niche markets including health and life, property, causality, and specialty insurance.

    12. The QuoteShark Blog is packed with insurance-focused content on a range of subjects from social media to content creation. There are topics that discuss digital marketing within the Insurance industry and topics that are written to brokers specifically. Expect new articles on a weekly basis, across a variety of subject areas.

    13. The StartUpSelling blog is the brainchild of Alan Blume. This blog is a wonderful place for many reasons. Those include the outstanding topic/resource list that is easy fodder for anyone who needs to add a topic to their own blog, learn insider marketing tricks and tips or who wants to keep on top of the most current trends in insurance marketing.

    Expect topics on How to Understand Keywords, tips on improving your blog or agency’s SEO. The blog topics range from B2C to B2B and across industries such as green technology and eMarketing.

    14. Property Casualty 360° is a site that focuses on market opportunities within the property and casualty insurance industry. This is less of a blog and more of a news site with deep insider-type information.

    This is an awesome site for anyone who wants to grow their market share or start offering products in the property and Casualty sector. Expect new posts multiple times per day.

    15. Insurance Social Media Blog is a site that every insurance agent should bookmark. It is here that you will find the keys to managing social media as it relates to growing market share, lead generation, and community presence. This is an excellent blog for anyone who is confused about what social media is and how it works.

    16. ITC Marketing Blog is an awesome source that focuses on the marketing and marketing questions for active insurance agencies. Expect 1-2 blogs per week on topics that are stellar. Topics include digital transformation in insurance, solutions for low web traffic, trends in top insurance websites. This is a great place for anyone who is curious if their site is modern.

    17. Advisor Evolved Blog is a great resource and good read for anyone who wants to understand the deeper issues within insurance marketing. Web automation, Internet of Things, digitizing marketing, the relationship between traffic and lead generation, etc. Expect new blogs weekly with a huge back library of existing topics.

    18. QQ Solutions: The QQ Solutions Blog is a spot-on-place for insurance agents to learn about insurance marketing, especially for independent agencies. Expect 1-2 topics every two weeks.

    Topics include agency growth strategies, understanding the power of cloud technology, the evolution of the insurance industry, and data analysis. This is an outstanding blog when you want to increase the effectiveness of your marketing strategy and campaigns.

    19. Insurance Digital Marketing Blog is a fascinating blog that helps agencies address the generation gap. Expect topics about how to market to Millennials, responsive site design, the value of lead generation over SERP placement, keys to improving your website design. The site offers easy to read and understand marketing blogs that are richly populated and helpful within the insurance industry.

    20. The inBuzz Group Blog is a great resource for anyone wondering how politics is going to change the face of insurance. Expect tools such as learning to use a content calendar and resourceful topics such as what to do when your insurance marketing is not generating leads. Expect new blogs once per week and a healthy back library of topics.

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