Six years ago, my commercial airline was looking to improve and modernize the training resources for our population of 12,000+ pilots. After an exhaustive, highly competitive search for the right partner, DVI was selected, and we never looked back. Despite having no experience in the realm of aviation training, the creative and technically minded folks at DVI rapidly ramped up their knowledge base, immersed themselves in the project, and ultimately exceeded our expectations.
What started as a series of 12 maneuver prototype videos for one fleet, has grown into a vast library of hundreds of videos spanning 7 fleets. The quality and effectiveness of the product, the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the pilot group, and the sustainability of the resources are a testament to the dedication and professionalism of DVI’s team of writers, producers, editors, and animators.
After completing the maneuver videos, our training team had an appetite for more DVI products. Embarking on a long-term project that has spanned 6 years, other topics such as Crew Resource Management, Flight Path Management, and Extended Envelope Training have been added to the library of DVI resources. As our relationship has developed, the synergistic benefits have continued to gain momentum. Despite the sheer volume of work, the quality has never faltered. In fact, DVIs dedication to refining the development phase has continued to improve, making the pre-production process well-defined and highly manageable for the client.
DVIs versatility, attention to detail, and ability to capture the precise learning objectives for each training module are noteworthy. The efficiency and effectiveness benefits from the training materials are tangible. When polled directly, the pilot population overwhelmingly provides feedback that is indicative of the value added by DVI’s training materials. Other positive attributes include the standardization of procedures and the elimination of instructional variance. Students show up well prepared with a superior, holistic understanding of the learning objectives for each simulator session. In fact, the improvement in student preparation has led to a significant reduction in traditional pre-simulation briefing times. This efficiency and has allowed my company to drastically reduce the overall daily footprint of the simulator schedule. Students, who now show up with a higher baseline of knowledge, allow the instructors to teach the finer points of a maneuver or concept. Briefings, which used to predominantly be a one-way lecture, delivered by a flight instructor, are now vastly more interactive and substantive.
Having worked with DVI on a specific suite of training materials, I can personally attest to the effectiveness of their process, the quality of their work and the value that they have added to our operation. Simply put, as the manager responsible for producing a high visibility suite of training materials, DVI’s ability to consistently provide on time, on budget, high value products transformed what could have been a highly stressful situation for me, into a fulfilling, highly productive, and creative partnership.