Reviews & Profile for The Social Brand
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Services We Provide (15)
Business Overview

Small, Medium

Less than $1,000

$1,500 or more, monthly



Technologies We Support (4)
Industry Expertise (6)
What Makes Us Different?
Our core values are human connection, continual learning, and teamwork/collaboration. You will see these values are woven throughout our culture, our collateral, and how we interact with our clients. In fact, if you ever see an opportunity to better align the company with these core values - please speak up! We’d love to hear about it.
Human Connection
We define human connection as relationships. These relationships exist amongst The Social Brand team, us and our clients, our clients and their customers. We exist to creatively promote human connections. We exist to help relationships form, to strengthen them, and to always be innovating new ways for relationships to develop.
Continual Learning
We define continual learning as offering education and seeking education… continually. You’ll see this pop up in our culture in several ways. First, we offer education in our marketing. We offer knowledge for free in digestible formats. Second, we educate ourselves. We spend 10% of our time on education. Third, we educate our clients on marketing - why we’re doing what we’re doing and more every step of the way.
Teamwork & Collaboration
We define teamwork and collaboration as open communication before, during, and after a project. We work as a collective to complete all projects. This collective involves every member of The Social Brand team as well as our clients. We do not work independently from our client’s opinions, thoughts and feelings. We incorporate their ideas, acknowledge them and explore them.