Reviews & Profile for JD Designs
5.0 | 1 verified reviews |
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Services We Provide (4)
Business Overview

Small, Medium, Enterprise

Less than $1,000

Less than $500, monthly

B2C, B2B


Technologies We Support (2)
Industry Expertise (14)
Founding Partner
5/5 | May 2, 2023
We have had James do both large and small projects for us, all building on the initial brand package he designed for us. We continue to be very happy with everything he designs and highly recommend him to others (as long as you don't steal him away entirely)!
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What Makes Us Different?
In order to create a brand that truly connects with your target audience, before creating any designs, it is vital that we discover the following:
What’s your purpose?
What do you stand for?
Who are you trying to reach?
What makes you different?
What do you offer?
Where we should put our efforts
Unique Creativity
Once we’ve understood who your brand is targeted towards, we curate distinctive, unique and memorable brand assets to captivate and engage your audience.
Branding Specialist
We have over 15 years experience creating engaging and strategic integrated design and branding solutions. Throughout this time, we have helped develop start-up brands through to household names, such as Facebook, Deloitte and BMW. We have won multiple global branding awards and our work has been published in well-known books dedicated to branding.
Timeless Branding
The branding that I’ll create for you will stand the test of time. Successful branding is: appropriate, distinctive, memorable and simple. Following these rules will create a unique connection with your customers and it will last for years. This prevents the need to rebrand after a year or two and spend thousands on the production of new materials. This is often the case when branding isn’t connecting or when it is discovered that the existing branding is a rip-off of other logos or has been copied from templates.