Reviews & Profile for Certified NETS
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Services We Provide (7)
Business Overview


$1,000 or more

$1,500 or more, monthly



Technologies We Support (2)
Industry Expertise (6)
What Makes Us Different?
In many ways we are the UN-MSSP (Managed Service and Security Provider) of our industry in terms of doing this radically different, and radically better.
1) We do not believe in Triage. When our customers call our helpdesk a Tier-3 engineer answers the phone. Instant, highly qualified support with industry leading response and closure times.
2) Our entire team is made up of Tier 3 engineers. Our customers are smothered with competence. We believe that competence is a major ingrediant in our customers' IT confidence in their own technology.
3) Unlike many in our industry, Certified NETS is focused on stability over growth. We are focused on no churn of staff, no churt of clients, and not being bought or buying other firms in our industry. We believe that slow, steady growth, healthy financials and stability wins the game.
Our mission is to 'make customers happy' as well as to 'instill confidence with competence'.