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Reviews & Profile for WDS Marketing & PR

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WDS is a boutique agency with a unique and proven niche. Our focus is on helping savvy entrepreneurs and clever business owners tell their story. Results include increased awareness, enhanced credibility and new relationships in the business community. Fueled by ingenuity and expertise, we utilize media, accolades, events and other prime media opportunities to elevate client brand and help them get known in the most positive, dynamic and highly enjoyable ways.

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Services We Provide (3)

Branding/PositioningReputation ManagementPublic Relations

Business Overview


$500 or more, monthly


Industry Expertise (1)

Business Services

What Makes Us Different?

WDS specializes in three distinct areas of public relations: media relations campaigns, competitive branding programs (Awards, Honors & Recogitions), and milestone anniversary promotional marketing. All have been proven to assist in achieving enhanced credibility, increased visibility, and greater marketplace advancement. The WDS team hones our services triad to provide more strategic public relations options than ever before.