Reviews & Profile for TRUEdotDESIGN
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Services We Provide (14)
Business Overview

Small, Enterprise

$2,000 or more, monthly

Technologies We Support (2)
Industry Expertise (2)
What Makes Us Different?
Call us perfectionists or over-achievers. We don’t mind! Believe it or not, we have built a team of creative, driven, like-minded
professionals who share the same simple philosophy when it comes to our work: Excellence
We approach each project with singular focus, invested almost as much in the experience as in the end goal of success.
And this…this is how we do it:
Step 1: The Blind Date (a.k.a. The First Date)
Get all dolled up. (you, not us)
Think of a few questions we want to ask.
Smile and shake hands.
Listen, talk, get to know each other.
Step 2: Brainstorm
Grind beans and brew coffee.
Break out the markers, the iPads, heck even the Lego.
Make a circle, toss ideas into the center, no holds barred.
More coffee, fresh markers.
Write ’em all down and then pick the best of the best.
Step 3: The Loop
Take the best ideas from Step 2.
Toss them out there and see what sticks.
Get even better ideas back.
Build a foundation.
Collaborate and create.
More coffee.
Carve out a brand, a website, a social media strategy.
Don’t stop until we’ve made something amazing.
Step 4: The Reveal
Get all dolled up again. (still you)
Spread the word that the big day is here.
Pull back the curtain and show off what we’ve created together.
Forget the coffee, break out the champagne.
High fives all around!
Step 5:
Back to Step 1 to Do It All Over Again!