Insights-A different Promotions Company that is set apart from other agencies for:
- Senior management has brand background-Understands and commits to ROI and sets quantifiable objectives with each brand and/or client
- Local marketing managers who are experts in their respective markets- Key relationships in the markets and truly know and understand the local markets
- Cost effective-No excess travel required for most local market executions. Managers and promotions teams are local
- Results driven and business building promotions
- Product knowledgeable managers and staff- All managers and promotions team members participate in mandatory formal training and testing prior t representing any clients
- Bilingual Managers-Insights has bilingual (English/Spanish) managers and brand ambassadors available in the top 10 Hispanic DMAs
- Follow-Up Analysis-A detailed written analysis including business results, photographs, key findings, opportunities, successes and next steps are provided after any market research, event, program or promotion
Insights Proprietary & Confidential