How to Create a Resource Roundup for Your Blog

Online marketing can be tiring! That’s where UpCity comes in. As a trusted advocate for small businesses, we’re here to navigate you through the piles of confusing and suspicious offers. UpCity will lead you in the right direction by providing easy insights and simple solutions for your business marketing plan. Members receive an in-depth, personalized…

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    Online marketing can be tiring! That’s where UpCity comes in. As a trusted advocate for small businesses, we’re here to navigate you through the piles of confusing and suspicious offers. UpCity will lead you in the right direction by providing easy insights and simple solutions for your business marketing plan. Members receive an in-depth, personalized action plan to help optimize their site, and our team is here to help you along the way. Each week, we’re featuring a comprehensive look at one of the recommended tasks built into the UpCity software.

    Background on Creating a Roundup Blog Post

    “Curating” quality content from around the web, then promoting it in social media, adds value to potential/existing clients. Always credit the original author and provide a hyperlink to the article. Never duplicate other’s content onto your site.

    How To Complete

    Review industry leader’s blogs or other web content to find articles of most value to your customers. Then, write a few unique sentences explaining why the article or post is of interest.

    Try to publish weekly but aim for a minimum of at least once a month. Search engines love fresh content and it has a strong impact on rankings.

    Post guidelines:

    • Aim for 400-600 words at a minimum.
    • Place targeted keywords in the first paragraph or as they naturally fit.
    • Cross-link to other articles on your site.
    • Include hyperlinks out to external quality resources. Linking out to others. adds credibility to your blog and encourages other authors to link back to you.
    • Set your CMS to have external links open in a new window.
    • Include images and other multi-media in your posts whenever possible. It’s good for people and search engines! *Include tag text on all images and multi-media.

    Your social media promotion should direct customers to your post. Text might be something like: “Check out this week’s top xxx news and learn how it might impact you.”

    Best Practices for Creating and Sharing Your Roundups

    • Provide shortened links from a provider like that goes directly to your post.
    • Find good link aggregators to discover content for your roundups — Feedly is a great resource to gather notable content for your blog.
    • NEVER duplicate what was originally written as you will likely be penalized by the search engine for duplicate content.

    UpCity members, please follow the pathway to complete this task in your UpCity account: Become an Authority > Become an Authority Basics > Blog 101: Basic Blog Writing.